Being attractive helps, but it isn't everything

The question may be as old as democracy itself: are physically attractive people elected more often than less attractive opponents? In two studies that were published recently, Dr. Sebastian Jäckle from the University of ...

Ethnic identity and voting are timely focus of new book

"Elections are the Super Bowl for political scientists," says Randy Besco, an assistant professor, tenure stream of political science at UTM and author of the recently published book, Identities and Interests: Race, Ethnicity, ...

Study identifies religious bias against refugees

Give me your Christian, your female, your English-speaking with a good education? While not the words on the Statue of Liberty, these seem to be the kinds of refugees that the American public prefers—according to a new ...

How carbon taxes can succeed

The political leeway for carbon taxes is greater than commonly assumed. Political scientists at ETH have shown how carbon taxes could find acceptance in Germany and the U.S.. What matters most is the intended use of the tax ...

It's best not to fly to conferences

Several times a year, researchers from all over the world travel long distances in order to share their latest findings and establish contacts at conferences. Dr. Sebastian Jäckle from the Department of Political Science ...

A licence to parent?

It's a comment we often hear in response to stories of child neglect: that parenting should require a licence.

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