Partisan polarization helps Congress pass bills: study

While political polarization in the United States is the worst it has been in years, new research from Michigan State University and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research suggests that having a partisan—and ...

U.S. political parties more polarized than voters

Despite widespread perceptions of rising political polarization in the United States, the American public is no more polarized than it was before the Reagan era, according to a Stanford scholar.

10-minute meditation could help reduce Brexit polarization

In a new study, a brief, audio-guided, befriending-themed meditation reduced affective polarization between people on the "Remain" versus "Leave" sides of the U.K.'s Brexit referendum. Otto Simonsson of the Karolinska Institutet ...

Trust in science rose in Germany after onset of COVID-19 pandemic

Surveys conducted in Germany suggest that public trust in science rose after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, while revealing different patterns of trust among different subpopulations. Rainer Bromme of the University ...

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