The value of science for critical decisions

In times of crises, people suddenly come together in solidarity and support each other. Political parties unite behind the Federal Council and the government, who decided, within the space of just a few days, to implement ...

US is polarizing faster than other democracies, study finds

Political polarization among Americans has grown rapidly in the last 40 years—more than in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia or Germany—a phenomenon possibly due to increased racial division, the rise of partisan ...

Conservative boards more likely to dismiss CEO

When considering an organisation's long-term survival, existential threats that come to mind include external competition or technological disruption. But a potential threat lurks within the firm itself—organisational misconduct ...

Political affiliation may help drive and shape a person's morals

Which came first—the personal beliefs or the political party? While it may seem intuitive that a person's beliefs or moral compass may steer them toward one political party over another, a new study suggests it may be the ...

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