How tolerance for incivility affects political participation

The internet can be a Wild West where anything goes, especially when it comes to what people say to one another. Indeed, scrolling through an online comments section can provide a glimpse into how ruthless—sometimes downright ...

American national election studies data available

With public responses on polarizing political issues, such as immigration and trade, the latest data from the American National Election Studies at the University of Michigan is now available.

Islamophobia stops young Muslims playing bigger role in politics

A study carried out by academics at Newcastle University and the University of St Andrews found that the majority of young Muslims in Scotland are actively engaged in politics and public life, driven by an interest in political ...

States with expanded Medicaid program saw higher voter turnout

Since becoming law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been used by political parties in attempts to mobilize voters. In a new study, Jake Haselswerdt, assistant professor of political science and public affairs at the University ...

Predicting political surprises and uprisings before they happen

From the Arab Spring to the successful leadership bid by Jeremy Corbyn or Donald Trump's success in the US Republican campaign: Why are so many surprising things happening in politics? New research by the University of Oxford ...

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