Most Syrian refugees yearn to return home, not immigrate

Refugees often endure extreme hardships as they seek shelter and security far from their homelands. Unfortunately, after arriving in foreign countries, refugees often endure suspicions about their motives and apprehension ...

How political nostalgia predicts political outcomes

Nostalgia, defined as a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, has become a growing focus of research in personality and social psychology. Though it may seem counterintuitive, nostalgia has been proven to ...

Societal divisions could hinder EU climate policy

Many contemporary political conflicts are between those who would prioritize the needs of local or national communities and those with a more universal outlook. According to a new study by IASS researcher Silvia Weko, this ...

Widening political rift in U.S. may threaten science, medicine

The lightning speed with which scientists developed and tested the COVID-19 vaccine is a true scientific triumph—one that would not have been possible without the more than 70,000 volunteers who participated in clinical ...

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