One-third of Americans consider living abroad

New research has revealed that approximately one-third (33.1%) of all US-born US citizens living in the US are considering leaving the United States to live abroad.

How sex and gender influence how we vote

Leading up to the recent midterm elections in the United States, pundits predicted women voters and candidates would alter the race.

Q&A: How Facebook regulates the wild west of political ads

With less than three months to go before the midterm elections, Facebook is enforcing strict new requirements on digital political ads. Among other things, they force political ad buyers to verify their identities by receiving ...

Polarization may cause climate communication to backfire

Political advocates who support action on climate change have long sought "the perfect message" for swaying skeptics. If the issue can be framed correctly, they believe, the battle can be won.

Courts rule inconsistently on corporate identities

When the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission in 2010, it effectively stated that corporations are people under the First Amendment, able to spend as much money on some forms of political ...

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