Russia puts first sites on new Internet blacklist

Russia on Thursday put into force a new law on the Internet that allows the government to block websites with banned content, prompting fears that it will be used to suppress free speech.

Researchers measure debate reactions in real time

(—As Election Day draws nearer, many people are watching the presidential debates with interest. This fall, a team of media and communication professors and students at Texas Tech University are watching the debates ...

3Qs: Who won the first debate?

Alan Schroeder, a pro­fessor in the School of Jour­nalism in the Col­lege of Arts, Media and Design and one of the nation's fore­most experts on pres­i­den­tial debates, offers an analysis of the first of three match-​​ups ...

Smartphone app will allow instant polling for debate

When President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney square off in their first debate Wednesday (Oct. 3), college students across the country will pilot test a new smartphone application that promises to make live polling ...

Discursive Politics: Language with a Spin

A project sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund FWF has made a detailed investigation on what viewers understand and how they evaluate the statements of politicians during televised debates. To this effect, software-assisted ...

Responsibility misused by politicians: study

The concept of responsibility is being used by politicians as a distraction from the real problems in society, which have to do with inequality according to research from the University of Exeter.

Social networks play emerging role in Mexico election

Online social networks, a newcomer in Mexican elections, are making a mark on the country's presidential campaign, forcing candidates to respond to issues and protests enabled by the Internet.

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