How is COVID-19 affecting the global economic order?

Supply chains collapse, companies are facing bankruptcy, and mass unemployment ensues. Covid-19 has triggered a global financial crisis and is forcing states to develop rescue packages on a scale not seen before. In addition, ...

'Moment of truth' at key UN climate summit

Some 60 world leaders came together at the UN Monday for a "climate emergency" summit aimed at reinvigorating the faltering Paris agreement, at a time when mankind is releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than ...

Companies' political leanings influence engagement with activists

Liberal-leaning companies are more likely to work in concert with the demands of activists of all kinds than conservative-leaning companies, according to researchers at Penn State and the University of Washington. The findings ...

CEO political activism: Jobseekers want bosses who take a stand

Chief executives who speak out on political issues and take a principled stance are increasingly sought out by jobseekers who believe such behaviour signals fair treatment, respect for employees, and a more responsible vision ...

Racial discrimination increases activism in black young adults

A recent study by researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of Chicago finds that experiencing racial discrimination makes black teens and young adults more likely to engage in social and political ...

The 'gilets jaunes' movement is not a Facebook revolution

In less than a month, France's gilets jaunes (yellow vests) have gone from being a celebrated example of Facebook's ability to power a spontaneous revolution to a cautionary tale of how social networks can be manipulated ...

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