Plastic pollution in the deep sea: A geological perspective

A new focus article in the May issue of Geology summarizes research on plastic waste in marine and sedimentary environments. Authors I.A. Kane of the Univ. of Manchester and A. Fildani of the Deep Time Institute write that ...

Time to give up on a carbon tax?

Since 2006, economist and former Bush-era White House adviser Greg Mankiw has been encouraging economists and policy makers to join the Pigou Club, which advocates for a tax on carbon. The idea goes back to economist Arthur ...

Taking a systems-thinking approach to anti-Black racism

A group of Schulich Medicine & Dentistry alumni have authored a thorough roadmap for institutions, government and policy-makers to follow in order to implement a systems-thinking approach to address anti-Black racism in Ontario.

Consumers are willing to pay for ecosystem services

Many consumers are willing to pay for improved environmental quality and thus non-market values of impacts of food production on e.g. water quality, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, pollution, erosion or GHG emissions ...

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