Reef fish futures foretold

An international group of scientists is predicting markedly different outcomes for different species of coral reef fishes under climate change—and have made substantial progress on picking the 'winners and losers'.

A framework to evaluate preparedness for ocean acidification

In a paper published today in the journal Environmental Research Letters, an international research team composed of scientists affiliated with more than a dozen institutions, including the California Academy of Sciences, ...

Tech companies underreport CO2 emissions

Companies in the digital technology industry are significantly underreporting the greenhouse gas emissions arising along the value chain of their products. Across a sample of 56 major tech companies surveyed in a study by ...

Stormy waters ahead for coastal towns: what are the options?

Australians love property and being near water. But fast forward 30 years and the two may be incompatible, judging by global forecasts warning of sea level rises that could threaten thousands of coastal residents in decades ...

Time to shift the discussion on sex work

It is time to change the debate around sex work from a moral issue to one of workers' rights, a University of Otago study argues.

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