Physiological responses reveal our political affiliations

New research from Aarhus University in Denmark shows that political partisanship is rooted in affective, physiological processes that cause partisans to toe the party line on policies and issues, regardless of policy content.

World has entered new CO2 'danger zone', UN says

The world has entered a "new danger zone" with levels of Earth-warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere never experienced by humankind, the UN's climate chief warned Monday.

What do tax policy experts think about US tax policy?

Large majorities of tax policy experts in the U.S. favor a graduated personal income tax, taxing long-term capital gains as ordinary income, a net income tax on corporations and extending the retail sales tax to services.

China first out of global financial crisis, says leading expert

China is the first major economy to start emerging from the global economic crisis, according to Dr Nicholas Lardy, Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics at Washington DC. This recovery is a ...

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