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Dutch police hack into 'uncrackable' Blackberry

Dutch police confirmed Wednesday they have found a way to hack into messages on Blackberry data-encrypted smartphones, which claim to be the world's most secure communications devices.

Philippine police arrest rare sea turtle poachers

Philippine police said Friday they had seized 70 dead hawksbill marine turtles, a critically endangered species illegally trafficked for its prized shell, and arrested two suspects.

Drone policing in US seen as 'Wild West'

Drones are increasingly making their mark in the arsenal of US police forces, operating in a legal gray area and sparking concerns of constant surveillance of civilians.

Does crime increase when the moon is full?

Just in time for Halloween, the BetaGov team at NYU's Marron Institute of Urban Management is releasing a three-country study on the "lunar effect."

A cautionary tale about measuring racial bias in policing

Racial bias and policing made headlines last year after a study examining records of fatal police shootings claimed white officers were no more likely to shoot racial minorities than nonwhite officers. There was one problem: ...

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