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Weapons tied to repeat domestic abuse

Women are up to 83 percent more likely to experience repeat abuse by their male partners if a weapon is used in the initial abuse incident, according to a new study that has implications for victims, counselors and police.

Police arrest US teen who built gun-firing drone

The US teen who sparked an Internet sensation by building a small drone capable of firing a handgun, has been arrested and released on a $20,000 bond, police said Thursday.

Using virtual reality to get inside the criminal mind

Psychologists from Edith Cowan University (ECU) have used virtual reality (VR) technology in a new study that aims to better understand criminals and how they respond when questioned. The results are published in the journal ...

Italian police raid hackers who took on Vatican

Italian police on Friday arrested four alleged hackers believed to belong to the activist group Anonymous for attacking websites, including those of the Vatican and the parliament in Rome.

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