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Tokyo man arrested over bizarre hacking campaign

Japanese police on Sunday arrested a man suspected of being behind a computer hacking campaign following an exhaustive hunt that at one stage had authorities tracking down a cat for clues, according to reports.

Ark. police photograph license plates, store data

(AP)—Little Rock may not be a likely terrorism target or a gang crime hotspot, but the Arkansas capital is following the example of high-security cities by expanding electronic surveillance of its streets.

Nevada considers technology to scan cellphones after crashes

Most states ban texting behind the wheel, but a legislative proposal could make Nevada one of the first states to allow police to use a contentious technology to find out if a person was using a cellphone during a car crash.

Dutch police use real eagles to counter drones

Dutch police are turning to a phalanx of winged predators to solve the problem of unauthorised drone flights in restricted areas such as airports and over crowds: eagles.

Using data science to confront policing challenges

Increasing calls for changes in policing have departments across the country searching for new ways to build trust and protect citizens and officers alike. In response, police in Charlotte, N.C. and Nashville, Tenn. police ...

Spain police seize over 200 stuffed endangered animals

Spanish police said Tuesday they had seized more than 200 stuffed endangered animals, including giraffes, rhinos, lions and tigers, from an illegal taxidermy workshop that was selling them online.

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