White House backs use of body cameras by police

Requiring police officers to wear body cameras is one potential solution for bridging deep mistrust between law enforcement and the public, the White House said, weighing in on a national debate sparked by the shooting of ...

Militarized policing is counterproductive, according to expert

The militarization of local police forces has emerged as an issue of public debate in the wake of the crisis in Ferguson, Mo. The U.S. Senate has announced plans to examine police militarization and the White House has ordered ...

China tells police to use social media

China has ordered police nationwide to make more use of social networking sites to ensure greater openness and "dispel misunderstandings", the state Xinhua news agency said Tuesday.

Finding A Better Way To Interview Fraud Suspects

(PhysOrg.com) -- A fairer and more efficient method of interviewing those suspected of benefits fraud is being presented to international law enforcement officers by a University of Derby lecturer.

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