Image: Tiny crystal of power as basis for solar cell

This crystal of iron pyrite, just four hundredths of a millimeter in size, could function as the light absorbing layer of a tiny solar cell—potentially a promising future source of power on the moon.

No US return to the Moon before 2026: audit

The return of humans to the Moon, already postponed last week by NASA from 2024 to 2025, will actually take place in 2026 "at the earliest", according to a government audit published on Monday.

How much carbon dioxide snow falls every winter on Mars?

Like Earth, Mars experiences climatic variations during the course of a year because of the tilted nature of its orbit (aka. seasonal change). Similarly, these variations in temperature result in interaction between the atmosphere ...

On thin ice: Near North Pole, a warning on climate change

A massive icebreaker cuts its way through the frozen waters of the Arctic Ocean, clearing a path to the North Pole, all white as far as the eye can see. But even here, the impact of climate change can be felt.

Third Pole faces major changes in water flows

Snow cover and glaciers at the Third Pole are disappearing fast as a result of global warming. A joint research team modeled the Third Pole water cycling to see what the future has in store for the region.

Water meters help scientists quantify river runoff

The Third Pole centered on the Tibetan Plateau is home to the headwaters of multiple rivers in Asia. Despite the importance of these rivers, scientists have not known exactly how much water flows out of the mountains of the ...

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