Warming in the stratosphere leads to cold winters

In the first week of January, the Arctic stratosphere suddenly warmed up, an occurrence known as "sudden stratospheric warming" (SSW). This phenomenon results in cold winter weather, just the kind we are facing now – ETH ...

How frigid polar vortex blasts are connected to global warming

A record-breaking cold wave is sending literal shivers down the spines of millions of Americans. Temperatures across the upper Midwest are forecast to fall an astonishing 50 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius) below normal ...

Microbe hunt beneath Antarctic ice sheet

Renowned Montana State University polar scientist John Priscu and a team of researchers from more than a dozen universities will begin the new year hunting for microbes and other living specimens in a lake far beneath the ...

Slow flow for glaciers thinning in Asia

Providing water for drinking, irrigation and power, glaciers in the world's highest mountains are a lifeline for more than a billion people. As climate change takes a grip and glaciers lose mass, one might think that, lubricated ...

What's under the Antarctic Ice Sheet?

A unique method created by a USF associate professor to determine radiocarbon ages will be central to an expedition expected to transform the way we view the Antarctic continent.

An artificial Proba-2 view of the solar north pole

We've sent numerous missions into space to study the Sun; past and present solar explorers include ESA's Proba-2 (PRoject for OnBoard Autonomy 2) and SOHO (SOlar Heliospheric Observatory) probes, NASA's SDO and STEREO missions ...

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