Why go back to the Moon?

On September 12, 1962, then US president John F. Kennedy informed the public of his plan to put a man on the Moon by the end of the decade.

When black holes collide they also produce neutrinos

Ever since astronomers first detected ultra high energy neutrinos coming from random directions in space, they have not been able to figure out what generates them. But a new hypothesis suggests an unlikely source: the mergers ...

Scientists bring back Earth's 'memory' with mountaintop ice

Humans are fascinated by our planet's distant past. Since human recorded history only goes back a few thousand years, we probe Earth's "memory" in various ways to uncover its secrets. One of these methods is to hunt for traces ...

NASA's Lunar Flashlight ready to search for the Moon's water ice

It's known that water ice exists below the lunar regolith (broken rock and dust), but scientists don't yet understand whether surface ice frost covers the floors inside these cold craters. To find out, NASA is sending Lunar ...

JPSS-2 begins launch processing

Preparations are looking up for the launch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Joint Polar Satellite System-2 (JPSS-2) satellite. On behalf of NOAA, NASA develops and builds the instruments, spacecraft, ...

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