Tracking slow nanolight in natural hyperbolic metamaterial slabs

Researchers at CIC nanoGUNE (Basque Country) in collaboration with colleagues at ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Catalunya) have imaged how light moves inside an exotic class of matter known as "hyperbolic materials." ...

Physicists fine-tune control of agile exotic materials

Physicists have found a way to control the length and strength of waves of atomic motion called polaritons that have promising potential uses such as fine-scale imaging and the transmission of information within tight spaces. ...

The dance of quantum tornadoes

Tornado-like vortexes can be produced in bizarre fluids which are controlled by quantum mechanics, completely unlike normal liquids. New research published today in the journal Nature Communications demonstrates how massed ...

Going plasmonic in search of faster computing, communications

( -- A team of European researchers has demonstrated some of the first commercially viable plasmonic devices, paving the way for a new era of high-speed communications and computing in which electronic and optical ...

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