Ultra-high spectral purity revealed in exciton-polariton laser

Exciton-polariton lasers, renowned for their low-power operation, have long tantalized researchers with their promise for practical low-energy applications. However, until now, a clean measurement of the laser's linewidth, ...

Dark excitons shed new light on matter

A team of Monash researchers have uncovered for the first time the full effects of interactions between exciton-polaritons and their associated dark excitonic reservoir. The study, "Polaronic polariton quasiparticles in a ...

Scientists create an 'optical conveyor belt' for quasiparticles

Using interference between two lasers, a research group led by scientists from RIKEN and NTT Research have created an "optical conveyor belt" that can move polaritons—a type of light-matter hybrid particle—in semiconductor-based ...

Versatile light control in WSe₂ achieved

Researchers have successfully manipulated distinct exciton species within a hybrid monolayer WSe2-Ag nanowire structure. By exploiting the unique valley-spin locked band structures and electron-hole configurations of TMDs, ...

Polaritons open up a new lane on the semiconductor highway

On the highway of heat transfer, thermal energy is moved by way of quantum particles called phonons. But at the nanoscale of today's most cutting-edge semiconductors, those phonons don't remove enough heat. That's why Purdue ...

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