Polar ice contaminated with nanoplastics

Decades-old polar ice contains significant amounts of nanoscale plastic particles. Studying ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, an international team of scientists have identified several types of nanoplastic particles, ...

Sauropod dinosaurs were restricted to warmer regions of Earth

Giant, long-necked sauropods, thought to include the largest land animals ever to have existed, preferred to live in warmer, more tropical regions on Earth, suggesting they may have had a different physiology from other dinosaurs, ...

US study: Record highs, rain and beaver damage in Arctic

The Arctic continues to deteriorate from global warming, not setting as many records this year as in the past, but still changing so rapidly that federal scientists call it alarming in their annual Arctic report card.

Improving climate projections in the polar regions

The polar regions play a crucial role in balancing global climate—with the poles heating up much faster than the rest of the world. Yet, climate projections for these regions still have significant uncertainties. This is ...

Image: Gloomy moonscape created for rover test

A sun barely peeking over a cratered horizon, casting long shadows across a rocky moonscape: ESA's Erasmus Innovation Center was transformed into an analog of the moon's polar regions, in a dress rehearsal for an international ...

Could low-altitude reconnection power Jupiter's polar aurorae?

Like Earth, Jupiter's magnetic field channels electrically charged particles into its atmosphere, resulting in the formation of brilliant aurorae near its poles. However, the brightness and variety of Jupiter's auroral emissions ...

'Lakes' under Mars' south pole: A muddy picture?

Two research teams, using data from the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter, have recently published results suggesting that what were thought to be subsurface lakes on Mars may not really be lakes at all.

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