Mathematical model can improve our knowledge on cancer

Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have developed a new mathematical tool to characterize what happens when cells lose their polarity (direction) in diseases such as cancer. The result is advancing ...

A force-driven mechanism for establishing cell polarity

A team of researchers from the Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore (MBI) at the National University of Singapore, along with colleagues from Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory and A*STAR's Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology ...

Swiss Army Knife teeth secret to seal's success

Biologists have shown how an advanced set of teeth give Antarctic leopard seals the biological tools to feast on prey of all sizes, from penguins to tiny krill.

New species of invertebrates discovered in the Antarctic

The polyps of the new gorgonia discovered, Tauroprimnoa austasensis and Digitogorgia kuekenthali, in the region of Austasen, in the Eastern Weddell Sea, and to the south-east of the Falklands and Isla Nueve (in Chilean Patagonia) ...

Climate change driving Michigan mammals north

( -- Some Michigan mammal species are rapidly expanding their ranges northward, apparently in response to climate change, a new study shows. In the process, these historically southern species are replacing their ...

Alaska judge sides with company on new $7.5 billion oil project

A federal judge upheld the Biden administration's approval of ConocoPhillips' 600-million-barrel Willow oil development in Alaska, a blow to environmentalists who argued it would imperil wildlife and exacerbate climate change.

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