Mantis shrimp roll their eyes to improve their vision

Imagine rolling your eyes to help you see more clearly. Although it wouldn't work for humans, new research published today in Nature Communications has shown mantis shrimp use eye rotations to enhance their polarization vision.

Researcher's chiral graphene stacks break new ground

Hands and feet are two examples of chiral objects – non-superimposable mirror images of each other. One image is distinctly "left-handed," while the other is "right-handed." A simple drinking glass and a ball are achiral, ...

In the dark polar winter, the animals aren't sleeping

You might expect that little happens in the Arctic Ocean during the cold and dark winter. But that just isn't so, according to researchers who have sampled the activities of many different species during three consecutive ...

Size matters for creatures of cold polar waters

Scientists at the Universities of Liverpool, Plymouth, and Radboud, Netherlands, have challenged the view that giant animals are found in polar seas because of a superabundance of oxygen in cold water.

Stem cells use signal orientation to guide division, study shows

Cells in the body need to be acutely aware of their surroundings. A signal from one direction may cause a cell to react in a very different way than if it had come from another direction. Unfortunately for researchers, such ...

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