Fast and reliable tests for Legionella bacteria in water

A fully automated testing device can now be deployed at water sites suspected of contamination by Legionella bacteria. The device promises more reliable results in less than two hours, with no human intervention.

Randy pandas get privacy at Tokyo zoo

A pair of pandas in the mood for mating were being given a bit of space Thursday with Japanese zookeepers hoping they will mate on if the public was kept away.

Cincinnati professor nominated for Nobel dies (Update)

(AP)—Elwood Jensen, an award-winning University of Cincinnati professor nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for work that opened the door to advances in fighting cancer, has died of pneumonia. He was 92.

New therapy protects lungs from runaway inflammation

A novel anti-inflammatory therapy designed by Vanderbilt University Medical Center investigators prevents acute lung injury in mice exposed to an inflammation-causing toxin, the researchers report in the journal Molecular ...

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