Related topics: spacecraft · solar system

The dwarf planet Orcus

Since the early 2000s, more and more objects have been discovered in the outer solar system that resemble planets. However, until they are officially classified, the terms Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) and Trans-Neptunian Object ...

New Horizons team selects potential Kuiper Belt flyby target

NASA has selected the potential next destination for the New Horizons mission to visit after its historic July 14 flyby of the Pluto system. The destination is a small Kuiper Belt object (KBO) known as 2014 MU69 that orbits ...

New Horizons mission exceeds expectations

(—NASA's New Horizons mission, as the name suggests, is all about broadening our scientific horizons. The spacecraft, visiting the unexplored world of dwarf planet Pluto and its moons, continues to deliver more ...

What flows on Pluto?

It's now been over a month since the New Horizons spacecraft flew by one of the last unknown outposts of our solar system and although we've only just seen a trickle of the data it collected, it has all been rather exciting. ...

Scientists study nitrogen provision for Pluto's atmosphere

The latest data from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft reveal diverse features on Pluto's surface and an atmosphere dominated by nitrogen gas. However, Pluto's small mass allows hundreds of tons of atmospheric nitrogen to escape ...

NASA Goddard involved in New Horizons from start

Three billion miles of space travel and 26 years of careful planning and execution ago, New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern, now of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, gave his first talk about ...

It's alive, it's alive!

On June 3, 2015, more than a month before New Horizons, flying faster than speeding bullet, reached its rendezvous with the Pluto system, an astronomer at the Southwest Research Institute who is also a space artist posted ...

New Horizons data hint at underground ocean

Pluto wears its heart on its sleeve, and that has scientists gleaning intriguing new facts about its geology and climate. Recent data from NASA's New Horizons probe—which passed within 7,800 miles of the surface on July ...

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