The pinnacles: Deep time, not termite mounds

On Yued Noongar country, 250km north of Perth, the Pinnacles have been standing quietly for 25,000 years. This vast network of stone columns, numbering in their thousands, is a popular tourist destination within Nambung National ...

Fossils show ravens lived alongside early humans in Beijing

While ravens do not occur in China's capital Beijing today, a new study analyzing fossil bird bones from the UNESCO World Heritage Zhoukoudian "Peking Man" site demonstrates that ravens lived in western Beijing at the same ...

Ancient poop offers unusual insight into animal behavior

Some people are annoyed when they encounter a fresh pile of dung while out on a walk in nature. Others are excited because it points to the recent visit of a particular kind of animal. But some scientists, myself included, ...

Early humans: Tooth enamel reveals life histories

If you take a magnifying glass and a flashlight and look at your teeth very carefully in the mirror, in places you can spot a pattern of fine, parallel lines running across your teeth. These correspond to the striae of Retzius ...

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