Activity of fuel cell catalysts doubled

An interdisciplinary research team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has built platinum nanoparticles for catalysis in fuel cells: The new size-optimized catalysts are twice as potent as the best process commercially ...

Catalyst advance removes pollutants at low temperatures

Researchers at Washington State University, University of New Mexico, Eindhoven University of Technology, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have developed a catalyst that can both withstand high temperatures and convert ...

A laser focus on finding better ways to make renewable fuels

In the search for alternatives to oil-based fuels, one of the most promising, and challenging, strategies involves splitting water. Researchers have for decades made strides in using sunlight to split water molecules into ...

Platinum forms nano-bubbles

Platinum, a noble metal, is oxidised more quickly than expected under conditions that are technologically relevant. This has emerged from a study jointly conducted by the DESY NanoLab and the University of Vienna. Devices ...

Chemists solve persistent problem after four decades

After almost four decades, Leiden and Eindhoven chemists have resolved the discussion about the correct model regarding the simplest chemical reaction in heterogeneous catalysis, which is essential for fuel cells. Using a ...

A newly discovered catalyst promises cheaper hydrogen production

A new catalyst could dramatically decrease the cost of producing hydrogen, one of the cleanest renewable fuels. Based on molybdenum sulfide, the catalyst was developed by a group at the A*STAR Institute of Materials Research ...

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