Using transparent ink to print color images

A team of researchers affiliated with a host of institutions in China has developed a new way to print color images using standard inkjet printers. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes ...

What lies beneath: Volcanic secrets revealed

Lava samples have revealed a new truth about the geological makeup of the Earth's crust and could have implications for volcanic eruption early warning systems, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

The seismic zone worrying quake-hit Mexico

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake that struck southern Mexico this week originated near a section of a fault that experts worry has been building up tension for more than a century.

Major Mexico earthquake causes damage, one death

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake that struck near Mexico's Pacific resort city of Acapulco left at least one person dead and damaged hospitals, homes, shops and hotels, authorities said Wednesday.

Vanity plates in Greece may be a form of 'conspicuous corruption'

In Greece, drivers cannot legally purchase custom vanity plates. However, a new study confirms an open secret: that the country has an illegal market for acquiring license plates with distinctive number patterns, perhaps ...

Nature recycles trash to create diamonds

The Earth's deepest diamonds are commonly made up of former living organisms that have effectively been recycled more than 400 kilometers below the surface, new Curtin research has discovered.

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