Increase in plastics reaching remote South Atlantic Islands

The amount of plastic washing up onto the shores of remote South Atlantic islands is 10 times greater than it was a decade ago, according to new research published today (8 October) in the journal Current Biology.

Tackling plastic pollution: Top tips from marine scientists

Do you ever find yourself staring at the supermarket shelf in turmoil, trying to make the most environmentally sustainable choices from an overwhelming array of available products? You've brought your reusable shopping bags, ...

Tracking the sources of plastic pollution

Plastic pollution in the world's oceans is now widely recognised as a major global challenge—but we still know very little about how these plastics are actually reaching the sea. A new global initiative, led by the University ...

Living in a plastic world: Tackling plastic pollution

Plastic pollution has emerged as one of our most pressing environmental issues with the increasing use of disposable plastics. As they are non-biodegradable, plastics accumulate in the environment, altering habitats and natural ...

Indonesia returns containers of waste to France, Hong Kong

Indonesia has returned seven shipping containers of illegally imported waste to France and Hong Kong, an official said Tuesday, marking the latest move by a Southeast Asian nation to send back rubbish to their wealthy places ...

Enzyme molecule in marine bacteria degrades plastic polymer

A bacterium that can degrade the common polymer polybutylene succinate (PBS), which naturally biodegrades only to a limited extent in marine environments, could lead to improved ways to recycle this polymer. The bacterium's ...

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