Polluter pays—promoting best practice among plastic producers

I've moved around quite a lot, and one thing that's always really difficult to get my head round when I move to a new place is what I can and can't put in my recycling bin. In one place, plastic had to be put out separately; ...

Airborne plastic particles blanket remote mountains: study

A secluded mountain region thought to be free of plastic pollution is in fact blanketed by airborne microplastics on a scale comparable to a major city such as Paris, alarmed researchers reported Monday.

Tracking the sources of plastic pollution

Plastic pollution in the world's oceans is now widely recognised as a major global challenge—but we still know very little about how these plastics are actually reaching the sea. A new global initiative, led by the University ...

Smog chokes coal-dependent Poland with no end in sight

Puffs of yellowish grey-and-black smoke billowing out of household chimneys create a blanket of smog choking the southern Polish mining town of Rybnik, one of the most polluted places in the European Union.

Sea anemones are ingesting plastic microfibers

Tiny fragments of plastic in the ocean are consumed by sea anemones along with their food, and bleached anemones retain these microfibers longer than healthy ones, according to new research from Carnegie's Manoela Romanó ...

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