France to set penalities on non-recycled plastic next year

France plans to introduce a penalty system next year that would increase the costs of consumer goods with packaging made of non-recycled plastic, part of a pledge to use only recycled plastic nationwide by 2025, an environment ...

Multinationals act on ocean-clogging plastics

Forty of the world's biggest companies assembled in Davos agreed on Monday to come up with cleaner ways to make and consume plastic as waste threatens the global eco-system, especially in oceans.

Seaweed coffee cups could help ditch single-use plastics

A significant amount of the single-use plastics that we use ends up in our oceans. As people increasingly ditch these plastics, seaweed—also known as macroalgae—and microalgae could be the solutions to the world's plastic ...

India's capital widens ban on plastic bags

The Delhi government imposed a blanket ban on the use of all plastic bags on Friday in an attempt to tackle the city's mounting rubbish problems, an official said.

Bioactive paper coatings to replace plastic for packaging foods

The amount of plastic waste increases every year. Some of this waste is due to plastic packaging used to protect food. As part of the BioActiveMaterials project, researchers at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have developed an ...

Europe may ban plastic bags

With each European using 500 plastic bags per year, and tonnes of plastic littering the Mediterranean, the European Commission may ban them from stores or tax them to combat pollution.

Opening plastic bags and bottles may generate microplastics

Opening plastic packaging, such as plastic bags and bottles may contribute to the generation of small amounts of microplastics—small plastic particles less than 5 mm long—during daily tasks, according to a study published ...

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