E-cigarettes and a new threat—how to dispose of them

The two largest global brands of capsule coffee, Nespresso and Keurig, are regarded by many as environmental nightmares. Billions of the throwaway nonrecyclable plastic products currently clutter waste dumps, waterways and ...

Investigation of paper-based electronics continues to advance

Imagine folding up a paper-thin computer tablet like a newspaper. It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, but such flexible electronics are moving closer to reality, according to a review in the journal Science ...

Scientists develop plastic flexible magnetic memory device

Associate Professor Yang Hyunsoo from the National University of Singapore led a research team to successfully embed a powerful magnetic memory chip on a flexible plastic material. This malleable memory chip hails a breakthrough ...

Scientists find a new dopant for organic electronic devices

A team of the Lomonosov MSU researchers in collaboration with their German colleagues from the Institute of Polymer Research in Dresden (Leibniz Institute) believe a particular molecule could lead to the development of organic ...

A new class of recyclable thermoset plastics

Plastics comprise around 10% of solid waste in Australia. And while we can recycle certain types, there is a group of particularly stable plastics called thermosets, common in electronic devices, which can't be broken down ...

Plastic: The new energy source

QUT's research to develop cheap plastic solar cells to charge mobile phones and other electronic devices has been boosted with the installation of one of the most powerful nanotechnology microscopes in the world.

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