Engineered enzyme able to break down PET in ten hours

A team of researchers from TBI, Université de Toulouse, CRITT Bio-Industries and Carbios, Biopôle Clermont Limagne, has engineered a commonly known enzyme to efficiently break the chains that hold the building blocks of ...

Pandemic deals blow to plastic bag bans, plastic reduction

Just weeks ago, cities and even states across the U.S. were busy banning straws, limiting takeout containers and mandating that shoppers bring reusable bags or pay a small fee as the movement to eliminate single-use plastics ...

A new way to fine-tune exotic materials: Thin, stretch and clamp

One way to change the properties of a material is to stretch it just a wee bit, so its atoms are farther apart but the bonds between them don't break. This extra distance affects the behavior of electrons, which determine ...

Chimpanzees found to age in ways similar to humans

A team of researchers from the University of New Mexico and the Kibale Chimpanzee Project in Uganda has found similarities between the way chimpanzees and humans age. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National ...

Opening plastic bags and bottles may generate microplastics

Opening plastic packaging, such as plastic bags and bottles may contribute to the generation of small amounts of microplastics—small plastic particles less than 5 mm long—during daily tasks, according to a study published ...

Banned! New York sends plastic bags packing

Consumerist mecca New York targets its throwaway culture this weekend with a ban on single-use plastic bags that has been years in the making and is still rare in America.

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