Measuring the mass of 'massless' electrons

(—Individual electrons in graphene are massless, but when they move together, it's a different story. Graphene, a one-atom-thick carbon sheet, has taken the world of physics by storm—in part, because its electrons ...

Manipulating and detecting ultrahigh frequency sound waves

An advance has been achieved towards next generation ultrasonic imaging with potentially 1,000 times higher resolution than today's medical ultrasounds. Researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley ...

Progress on detecting glucose levels in saliva

Researchers from Brown University have developed a new biochip sensor that can selectively measure concentrations of glucose in a complex solution similar to human saliva. The advance is an important step toward a device ...

High-temperature plasmonics eyed for solar, computer innovation

( —New "plasmonic metamaterials" that operate at high temperatures could radically improve solar cell performance and bring advanced computer data storage technology that uses heat to record information on a magnetic ...

Fine-tuning a rainbow of colors at the nanoscale

( —TVs, image sensors, iPads, digital cameras and other modern devices use filters to display the breadth of colors available in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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