New scientific concept for a Star Wars-like tractor beam

Physicists from ITMO University have developed a model of an optical tractor beam to capture particles based on new artificial materials. Such a beam is capable of moving particles or cells towards the radiation source. The ...

Army research lights the way for new materials

What happens when gold and silver just don't cut it anymore? You turn to metallic alloys, which are what Army researchers are using to develop new designer materials with a broad range of capabilities for our Soldiers.

Getting an up-close, 3-D view of gold nanostars

Extremely small structures, far smaller in diameter than a strand of hair, could greatly benefit sensors and other devices. To master these nanomaterials, scientists need to determine their shape. That's difficult. Scientists ...

Lab probes molecular limit of plasmonics

Rice University researchers are probing the physical limits of excited electronic states called plasmons by studying them in organic molecules with fewer than 50 atoms.

A novel nanoactuator system has been developed

Researchers at University of Jyväskylä (Finland) and University of Tampere (Finland) together with BioNavis Ltd (Finland) have developed a novel nanoactuator system, where conformation of biomolecule can be tuned by electric ...

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