Novel compound interrupts malaria parasite's lifecycle

An international group of researchers has proven that a molecule called TCMDC-135051 can selectively inhibit a protein that is essential to the lifecycle of Plasmodium falciparum, one of the parasites that causes malaria.

Malaria parasites able to sense their hosts calorie intake

Even though malaria still kills one child every minute, the vast majority of those infected still survive, with roughly 200 million new infections every year. A new study has shown that the infectious agent responsible for ...

Microscopic evidence of malaria in the Medici era

Malaria was common in Renaissance Italy. The disease was known as "Febbre terzana" at the time as an onset of the fever occurred in intervals of two to three days. A research team led by Eurac Research has now microscopically ...

Playing God with mosquitoes? We humans have loftier aims

In a startling development in "gene-drive" technology, a team of researchers at the University of California has succeeded in creating genetically modified mosquitoes incapable of spreading the malaria parasite to humans, ...

The malaria pathogen's cellular skeleton under a super-microscope

The tropical disease malaria is caused by the Plasmodium parasite. For its survival and propagation, Plasmodium requires a protein called actin. Scientists of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Germany used ...

What makes Toxoplasma gondii so unpredictable?

Toxoplasma gondii is a common parasite often spread by cats. Most people who are infected in Europe or North America show no symptoms at all, and only a few suffer from encephalitis or ocular toxoplasmosis, which can cause ...

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