Promiscuity of resistance plasmid unprecedented

Genetic analysis of an outbreak of drug-resistant infections in one institution shows an unprecedented level of transference of resistance among strains and even species of bacteria. Researchers from the University of Virginia ...

Triple threat: One bacterium, three plasmids

Researchers from Australia found something completely new while conducting a genetic study of the pathogenesis of an enteric disease in birds. They report what is believed to be the first bacterial strain to carry three closely ...

Clearing house for DNA gets a boost

Arizona State University's Biodesign Institute is home to a rich trove of biological material. Known as DNASU, this growing storehouse—a sort of genetic Library of Congress—holds over 147,000 plasmids, (circular ...

Popping cells surprise living circuits creators

Under the microscope, the bacteria start dividing normally, two cells become four and then eight and so on. But then individual cells begin "popping," like circus balloons being struck by darts.

DNA molecules in moss open door to new biotechnology

Plasmids, which are DNA molecules capable of independent replication in cells, have played an important role in gene technology. Researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden have now demonstrated that plasmid-based methods, ...

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