Scientists discover mechanism plants use to control 'mouths'

Because breathing is generally involuntary, we sometimes forget how complicated it is. But biologists are gaining new insight into the intricate process in plants, with big implications for how to feed the world in the future.

Fix, not fight: Scientists help plants regenerate after injury

After injury, plants make a trade-off between repairing damaged tissue and ramping up their defenses, according to a new study led by researchers in New York University's Center for Genomics and Systems Biology and published ...

How plant hormones control root growth

Plant roots can grow without limit. To do so, they need to balance the production of new cells via cell division and elongation. Plant hormones known as brassinosteroids play a key role in this balancing act. New work by ...

CRISPRing trees for a climate-friendly economy

Researchers led by prof. Wout Boerjan (VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology) have discovered a way to stably finetune the amount of lignin in poplar by applying CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Lignin is one of the main structural ...

Edible antibodies to treat and prevent gastrointestinal disorders

Therapeutic antibodies are increasingly being used in the clinic for the treatment of diseases. Yet, oral to gut targeting of antibodies remains a challenge due to their inability to survive digestion and reach gastrointestinal ...

Plant immunity cut to size

An international team based in Ghent, Belgium (VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology) and Basel, Switzerland (University of Basel), found a link between a class of enzymes and immune signals that is rapidly triggered ...

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