Artificial sweetener as a wastewater tracer

Acesulfame is a sweetener in sugar-free drinks and foods. As it cannot be metabolized in the human body, the sweetener ends up in wastewater after consumption and remains largely intact even in sewage treatment plants. A ...

Vegetation regulates energy exchange in the Arctic

Global warming is changing the Arctic by causing permafrost thaw, glacier melt, droughts, fires and changes in vegetation. These developments are strongly linked to the energy exchange between land and the atmosphere. Researchers ...

Study opens door to new class of slippery, water-loving surfaces

Researchers have demonstrated that engineered surfaces can be hydrophilic—meaning they have a strong affinity for water—and yet extremely slippery. The work runs counter to conventional wisdom regarding the development ...

Can gold mining be more sustainable?

In a review paper recently published in the journal Land Degradation and Development, Shrabya Timsina and Nora Hardy focused on the effects of surface gold mining in tropical regions, a growing environmental concern in recent ...

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