US proposes stricter ozone limits

The US Environmental Protection Agency announced plans Wednesday to strengthen emission regulations for ozone, a smog-causing pollutant blamed for respiratory ailments affecting millions of Americans.

New paper calls for more carbon capture and storage research

Federal efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions must involve increased investment in research and development of carbon capture and storage technologies, according to a new paper published by the University of Wyoming's ...

US justices rap agency, but uphold warming rules

The U.S. Supreme Court largely left intact Monday the Obama administration's only existing program to limit power plant and factory emissions of the gases blamed for global warming. But a divided court also rebuked environmental ...

New pollution rule puts onus on states

A major initiative to cut the pollution emitted from the nation's power plants set off a scramble Monday in Washington - where Republicans instantly pounced on the proposed rules - and in states, where much of the work in ...

Power plant plan further clouds coal's future

President Barack Obama's ambitious plan to reduce the gases blamed for global warming from the nation's power plants gives many coal-dependent states more lenient restrictions—and won't necessarily be the primary reason ...

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