Jet lagged plants pave the way to first digital plant

Scientists have made a significant step towards building the world's first digital plant by developing a sophisticated computational model which has also solved one of the most enduring plant science mysteries—the role ...

Vegetation regulates energy exchange in the Arctic

Global warming is changing the Arctic by causing permafrost thaw, glacier melt, droughts, fires and changes in vegetation. These developments are strongly linked to the energy exchange between land and the atmosphere. Researchers ...

Pretreating soil with ethanol protects plants from drought

Ethanol can help plants survive in times of drought says a new study conducted at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science in Japan. Led by Motoaki Seki, researchers show that adding ethanol to soil allows plants, ...

Plant-nibbling insects may make it cloudier and cooler

Plants can release certain chemicals to shield themselves from high temperatures and potentially communicate with other plants. They also release these chemicals in response to stress, including when insects chomp on their ...

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