An insect pest acquires multiple plant genes

The silverleaf whitefly is a major crop pest in the tropics and subtropics. After studying its genome, an INRAE researcher and a CNRS researcher identified 49 plant genes transferred to the insect's own genome.

Chinese hazelnut: The newest piece in the hazelnut genome puzzle

Humans have been breeding plants for their economic value for thousands of years. Traditionally, plant breeding techniques included cumbersome and time-consuming techniques like grafting and hybridization to enhance traits ...

What the wheat genome tells us about wars

First they mapped the genome of wheat; now they have reconstructed its breeding history. Joining forces with other European researchers, scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum München have examined the genetic diversity of ...

Study uncovers mystery of the invasive common reed

They grow up to 12–15 feet tall and are causing havoc in the wetlands of North America. Known as Phragmites australis, the non-native common reed is one of the most important and most studied plants in the world.

Research catches up to world's fastest-growing plant

Wolffia, also known as duckweed, is the fastest-growing plant known, but the genetics underlying this strange little plant's success have long been a mystery to scientists. Now, thanks to advances in genome sequencing, researchers ...

New toolbox allows engineering of genomes without CRISPR

Belgian researchers from VIB-KULeuven Center for Microbiology and VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology have developed a new toolbox of 16 different short DNA sequences that allow triggering controlled and specific recombination ...

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