New Cornell organic corn available for sale

It took Cornell breeder Margaret Smith years to perfect her new variety of organic corn but only six weeks to get its seeds licensed and available for sale.

Plant seeds protect their genetic material against dehydration

Plant seeds represent a special biological system: They remain in a dormant state with a significantly reduced metabolism and are thus able to withstand harsh environmental conditions for extended periods. The water content ...

Bioscience researchers defeating potato blight

Researchers funded by the BBSRC Crop Science Initiative have made a discovery that could instigate a paradigm shift in breeding resistance to late blight – a devastating disease of potatoes and tomatoes costing the industry ...

High plutonium breeding of light water cooled reactors

Professor Oka and his research team at Waseda University have succeeded in developing the world's first conceptual nuclear reactor design of high plutonium breeding by light water cooling.

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