Origins of Uranus' oddities explained by Japanese astronomers

The ice giant Uranus' unusual attributes have long puzzled scientists. All of the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun in the same direction and in the same plane, which astronomers believe is a vestige of how ...

Major advances in our understanding of New World Morning Glories

A major advance in revealing the unknown plant diversity on planet Earth is made with a new monograph, published in the open-access, peer-reviewed journal PhytoKeys. The global-wide study, conducted by researchers at the ...

Total lunar eclipse: observing the Earth as a transiting planet

Astronomers have succeeded in recording sunlight shining through the Earth's atmosphere in a manner similar to the study of distant exoplanets. During the extraordinary occasion of a lunar eclipse, the Large Binocular Telescope ...

Earth captures new 'mini moon'

Earth has acquired a second "mini-moon" about the size of a car, according to astronomers who spotted the object circling our planet.

Image: 'Pale Blue Dot' revisited

For the 30th anniversary of one of the most iconic views from the Voyager mission, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is publishing a new version of the image known as the "Pale Blue Dot."

Researchers crack Newton's elusive three-body problem

It's been nearly 350 years since Sir Isaac Newton outlined the laws of motion, claiming "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." These laws laid the foundation to understand our solar system and, more ...

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