Could next-generation telescopes see that Earth has life?

While the Earth absorbs a lot of energy from the sun, a lot of it is reflected back into space. The sunlight reflected from Earth is called Earthshine. We can see it on the dark portion of the moon during a crescent moon. ...

Scientists unveil a unified theory for rocky planet formation

A new theory for how rocky planets form could explain the origin of so-called "super-Earths"—a class of exoplanets a few times more massive than Earth that are the most abundant type of planet in the galaxy.

Astronomers discover eight new super-hot stars

An international team of astronomers has discovered eight of the hottest stars in the universe, all with surfaces hotter than 100,000 degrees Celsius. The work was published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Why are most rocks on Earth much younger than the planet itself?

The rocks on Earth are not all the same age. In fact, most are significantly younger than the planet itself. The oldest sections of the oceanic crust are thought to be 200 million years old—a blink of an eye in the planet's ...

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