Image: Testing electric propulsion

On Aug. 19, National Aviation Day, a lot of people are reflecting on how far aviation has come in the last century. Could this be the future – a plane with many electric motors that can hover like a helicopter and fly like ...

Underwater sound examined for links to missing jet

A team of Australian researchers looking into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 released data on Wednesday about an unusual underwater sound recorded around the time the plane vanished, though the lead scientist ...

After long wait, Malaysia releases jet data

Close to three months after the Malaysian jetliner disappeared, the government on Tuesday released reams of raw satellite data it used to determine that the flight ended in the southern Indian Ocean, a step long demanded ...

FAA: Data from U-2 spy plane caused computer issue

Federal aviation officials say the air traffic control system around Los Angeles shut down last week because data from the flight plan of a U-2 spy plane confused software that runs the system.

Malaysia assessing possible plane wreckage claim (Update)

The countries searching for the missing Malaysian jet are assessing a claim by a resource survey company that it found possible plane wreckage in the northern Bay of Bengal, Malaysia's defense minister said.

Image: Glowing jewels in the galactic plane

The majority of the stars in our Galaxy, the Milky Way, reside in a single huge disc, known as the Galactic Plane, spanning 100 000 light-years across. The Sun also resides in this crowded stellar hub, lying roughly halfway ...

New Malaysia plane search area turns up objects

Australian officials moved the search area for the lost Malaysian jetliner 1,100 kilometers (680 miles) to the northeast Friday following a new analysis of radar data, and planes quickly found multiple objects in the new ...

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