Space-time theory may reconcile black hole conundrum

We've come a long way in 13.8 billion years; but despite our impressively extensive understanding of the Universe, there are still a few strings left untied. For one, there is the oft-cited disconnect between general relativity, ...

Galaxy dust findings confound view of early Universe

What was the Universe like at the beginning of time? How did the Universe come to be the way it is today?—big questions and huge attention paid when scientists attempt answers. So was the early-universe discovery that made ...

Discovery of uncertainty relations beyond the Heisenberg

In the quantum world, the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle bounds the product of the variances of two incompatible observables such as the position and the momentum of a particle by the Planck constant. Heisenberg, ...

Astronomy & Astrophysics: Planck 2013 results

Astronomy & Astrophysics is publishing a special feature of 31 articles describing the data gathered by Planck over 15 months of observations and released by ESA and the Planck Collaboration in March 2013. This series of ...

Development and construction of the OSIRIS onboard camera system

The ten-year journey of the Rosetta space probe, which will end this year in August when it arrives at the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet, was packed with interesting points of interest. In order to increase its speed, Rosetta ...

Rosetta's final sprint to the comet

( —After a ten-year journey and a long, deep sleep the Rosetta space probe was woken up on 20 January. The vehicle now starts the last leg of its journey which will lead it to the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet. ...

Resistance makes waves

Even physics can give pointers for energy saving. An international team working together with the Centre for Quantum Materials, run by the Max Planck Society in conjunction with the University of British Columbia (Canada), ...

Europe's Planck telescope retires

The deep-space Planck telescope was switched off Wednesday after a successful 4.5-year mission that revealed our Universe to be 80 million years older than previously thought, the European Space Agency said.

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