Discovered: Fast-growing galaxies from early universe

A team of astronomers including Carnegie's Eduardo Bañados and led by Roberto Decarli of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy has discovered a new kind of galaxy which, although extremely old—formed less than a billion ...

Spacetime: A smoother brew than we knew

Spacetime may be less like foamy quantum beer and more like smooth Einsteinian whiskey, according to research led by physicist Robert Nemiroff of Michigan Technological University being presented today at the 221st American ...

Where does charcoal, or black carbon, in soils go?

( —Scientists have uncovered one of nature's long-kept secrets—the true fate of charcoal in the world's soils. The ability to determine the fate of charcoal is critical to knowledge of the global carbon budget, ...

Light tsunami in a superconductor

Superconductors are materials which conduct electric currents without any resistance. At the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, an international research team headed by Professor Andrea Cavalleri from the Max Planck Institute ...

SUNRISE offers new insight on sun's atmosphere

Three months after the flight of the solar observatory Sunrise – carried aloft by a NASA scientific balloon in early June 2013—scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany have presented ...

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