Constructive conflict in the superconductor

Whether a material conducts electricity without losses is not least a question of the right temperature. In future it may be possible to make a more reliable prediction for high-temperature superconductors. These materials ...

How much nitrogen is fixed in the ocean?

In order to predict how the Earth's climate develops scientists have to know which gases and trace elements are naturally bound and released by the ocean and in which quantities. For nitrogen, an essential element for the ...

TandemLaunch licenses new 3-D technology

Max Planck Innovation, the technology transfer organization of the Max Planck Society has licensed a new method for processing digital stereo image content to TandemLaunch Technologies, a Canada based company, which develops ...

Humidity increases odour perception in terrestrial hermit crabs

( -- Max Planck scientists have found out that the olfactory system in hermit crabs is still underdeveloped in comparison to that of vinegar flies. While flies have a very sensitive sense of smell and are able to ...

Physicist awarded prestigious John Bardeen Prize

James A. Sauls, professor of physics and astronomy in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University, has been awarded the 2012 John Bardeen Prize for his contributions to the theory of unconventional ...

Scientists discover bilayer structure in efficient solar material

Detailed studies of one of the best-performing organic photovoltaic materials reveal an unusual bilayer lamellar structure that may help explain the material's superior performance at converting sunlight to electricity and ...

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