Quantum foam

Quantum foam. It may sound like the name of a new craft beer, but it's something even more amazing.

Space-time theory may reconcile black hole conundrum

We've come a long way in 13.8 billion years; but despite our impressively extensive understanding of the Universe, there are still a few strings left untied. For one, there is the oft-cited disconnect between general relativity, ...

Spacetime: A smoother brew than we knew

Spacetime may be less like foamy quantum beer and more like smooth Einsteinian whiskey, according to research led by physicist Robert Nemiroff of Michigan Technological University being presented today at the 221st American ...

Wild birds respond differently to the first long days of a year

The lengthening of days in late winter is an important signal that stimulates the reproductive activity of many animals. Animals living in the milder climatic conditions of southern Europe usually begin breeding earlier in ...

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